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Using the Hotsheet

The Hotsheet enables you to view MLS activity (listing changes and additions) for a specified period of time.

To access the Hotsheet search

  1. From the Searches menu, choose Hotsheet.
  2. Once you fill in your desired criteria, just click the Search button in the MLS toolbarto view the Hotsheet results.

TIP: You can save time by entering your Hotsheet criteria once and save the search. Then you can run it quickly right from the Home page.

On the Hotsheet Criteria page

Date/Time - These fields default to the last date and time you ran the Hotsheet through the present. You can change this if desired, or switch to Days Back to simply look at recent activity for a certain number of days back. To optimize system performance, your MLS has established a maximum number of days for which you can view changes on the Hotsheet.

Example: If the maximum is 7 days of activity, you could use the Date Range option and enter Changes From 2/1/06 and Changes Thru 2/7/06 to view activity during the first week in February 2006.

Changes to Include - Check the box next to each type of listing activity you want to view. You can leave all the boxes blank to include all. You can set up defaults for this section in your Agent Preferences form.

Other Criteria Fields - You can enter other criteria as desired, just as you would for any search. If only one property type is selected, you can also click the Additional Criteria button to enter amenity criteria.

NOTE: Listings may show up more than once in your Hotsheet results if they were changed more than once.

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